Everything in moderation is good for us. We’ve all heard the adage: A glass of wine keeps the doctor away. That is true, to a point. There are many benefits of alcohol to our diets and overall health. Consuming moderate levels of wine with our meals does help, but there’s more to the story.
Which types of wines are the best for your health? How much is really beneficial? Do some countries’ wines have more nutrients and antioxidants than others? Read customers real-world feedback in wine store opinions and reviews on Reviews Bird to learn these insights and more.
Heart Health:
How does wine help improve our health? It can lower your body’s cholesterol levels. Alcohol is filled with HDL cholestrol (the good kind). These are linked to improved heart health and blood circulation. Another aspect of heart health attributed to wine are its anti-inflammatory properties. Wine’s resveratrol compounds lower the risk of chronic inflammation to reduce the stress it places on the heart and blood system.
Weight Loss:
Alcohol carries very few calories. The compound in wine called piceatannol reduces the number of fat cells in your body and helps to block insulin receptor cells that lead to weight gain.
Wine, particularly red wine, is shown to consist of antioxidants. These compounds prevent cellular damage caused by inflammation and oxidative stress in our bodies. This lowers your risk of diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, as well as some cancers.
Wine has relaxation effects that are widely enjoyed by consumers of this beverage. Long-term effects of moderate wine drinking show that with a balanced diet, wine helps to preserve the body’s cells and their structure while lowering stress levels too. In the global population, it is estimated that half a glass of wine per day has resulted in the lowest mortality rates among those who drink more alcohol per day.
Blood Sugar:
Another benefit of wine’s compound resveratrol is that it controls blood sugar levels. Half a glass of wine per day is shown to lower glucose levels in diabetic people while also lowering their blood pressure to healthier levels.
Gut Health:
Anti-bacterial agents in wine reduce stomach and other digestive disorders and ailments. Red wine is proven to reduce the risk of Heliobacter pylori.
Breast News:
Alcohol increases the production of oestrogen in the body. However, wine contains aromatase inhibitors that reduces the oestrogens and increases testosterone in females. Those aromatase inhibitors reduce the risk of breast cancer than other types of alcohol.
Prostate Wellness:
Men who drink alcohol in moderation show reduced risk of prostate cancer and red wine drinkers further lowers that risk.
Mood Enhancer:
Drinking wine can help you fight off depression. Drinking one glass per week of wine is shown to be an antidepressant.
Healthier Skin:
Antioxidants in wine have many benefits to our health, and one more case is that when rubbing wine on acne-prone areas of your skin rejuvenates that area and also prevents the acne-causing bacteria from growing. The antioxidants also increase the skin’s elasticity to prevent the early onset of wrinkles and creases.