Simply defining, the ability of the body to perform tasks, especially physical tasks, is called fitness. To be fit, you need to be intentional about it.
Today, fitness cannot be overstated. From weight-lifting for men to regular exercises for women, the attempt to achieve a fit, flexible body is no longer a trend but part of a dream generation of healthy humans. Unless you can cope with the daily strains that come with life’s burdens, your fitness should not be negotiated.
Apart from ketogenic, weightlifting, and the like, getting fit requires you to know the elements of fitness. Broadly speaking, fitness is in two types. There is health-based fitness and there is skill-based fitness. Each of them is further divided, according to comments of health-lovers shared on These divisions are what make up the elements of fitness. Getting to know them is important for your body. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t watch your diets, too. Healthy food companies want you to blend both exercises with good diets.
Elements of Health-based Fitness
1. Muscular Endurance:
Endurance usually means persisting in the face of something difficult. Muscular endurance thus is using all your muscles or group of muscles to persist regardless of the force that holds you back. If you are onto a task for a long time without slowing down a bit, you have endured with your muscles. Some of the activities of building endurance include swimming, running, and others.
2. Muscular Strength:
The difference between muscular endurance and muscular strength is that while a force acts upon you for endurance, you are exerting the force at a single maximal effort with muscular strength. It can also be called physical strength, and in some cases can be equated with muscular endurance. Regardless, training for endurance or strength can be isotonic, isometric, and isokinetic.
3. Cardiorespiratory Endurance:
This is the third of health-based fitness and it focuses on aerobic training like jogging, walking, biking, and so on. It measures the ability of your body to provide oxygen and nutrients to tissues and dispose of waste products from your body.
4. Flexibility:
This element deals with your joints more than anything else. It is considered your range of motion and can best be enhanced by stretching and other activities that allow you to stretch. Some of the activities recommended for this include yoga, pilates, tai chi, and others.
5. Body composition:
This is the amount of fat you have in your body. Not only fat but also water, bone, and muscle. For health concerns, your body should compose more muscles and less fat. Amassing fat can lead to obesity which is not too good for your health.
Elements of Skill-based Fitness
These elements are products of your activities and other sport-related exercises. They do not serve as ideal elements for fitness. They are six in number, and they are:
- Agility
- Balance
- Coordination
- Speed,
- Power
- And Reaction Rate
Fitness is what you can do, how you can do it, and the amount of time it requires you to do it. It is necessary not only for healthy living but also to keep your body sharp, unexposed to strains.